Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Hashi.org 장학금

Hashi.org 장학금

hashi.org에서는 올해  명의 장학생을 선발합니다이미 미국인 1일본인 1명이 장학생으로 선발되었으며마지막으로 
국이나 일본과의 국제문화교류에 관심있는 한국시민권자에게 주어집니다이번 여행장학금은 에세이 심사를 통해 선발되어지고신청서에도 언급되었듯이특히 장학금 사용목적에 대한 전체적인 설명과 필요성에 기준하여 시상하게 됩니다. 장학금은 http://www.hashi.org/indexko.html 에서 제공되는해외프로그램 홈스테이교환학생자원봉사취업 등에도 사용되어   있습니다.

16 이상의 한국거주 시민권자로서,
미국이나 일본여행을 통해 hashi.org에서 추진하는 국제문화프로그램참여에 관심있고,
각기 다른 문화체험에 도전/협력할  있으며,
여행경비는 포함되어 있지 않습니다.
아래 링크를 클릭하여 신청서를 작성하여 제출하시기 바랍니다.
신청서 접수기간: 2014 9 1 부터 2014 10 15일까지

장학금 수여자 발표: 2014 11 1

Monday, September 1, 2014

Hashi.org Announces American Scholarship Winner!

9/01/14 - Hashi.org is proud to announce the winner of the 8th annual Travel Scholarship to an American citizen! This year, choosing one winner amongst the many outstanding applicants was more difficult than in any previous year.  We received dozens of outstanding applications, with essays describing a variety of backgrounds. Semi-finalists included:
·       An exchange student going to study at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in Japan, working towards a possible future career in Japan.
·       Another exchange student accepted into a Japanese Language and Culture program with a Chinese minor working towards a career as a translator and interpreter.

·       A senior chemistry student with a keen interest in Japanese culture and history, planning on studying in Japan because Japan currently is ranked 2nd in the world  in number of works cited by other chemists in scientific journals
.       An economics major  who is focused on the variety of present-day issues and links that tie East Asian countries to the U.S.

·       A grad student who will be doing a 2-week field research in Japan focused on Japan-China relations.
.       A grad student with a proposed program of study at the Ambassador Exchange Program in Fukuoka at Seinan Gakuin University.

.       A university student hoping to attend Temple University Japan and dual-majoring  in Japanese and Communications Studies, and then continuing their education in Korean and Mandarin Chinese studies.
 As you can see, we are overwhelmed with the ambition and accomplishments of our applicants this year, but none more so than this year’s scholarship winner, Jonathan Barley-Alexander.

 Jonathan is currently a student at Gettysburg College where he plays football, works as a food service worker and research assistant, and studies Japanese and International affairs. His  passion is International relations and breaking the barrier between countries, whether it is through language, education, or cultural exchange. He hopes to have a career in the government and ultimately create a multilingual school which operates as a catalyst between borders by implementing international education and encouraging multilingual studies by which cultivates high standards of scholastic excellence and expands world views at every stage of educational development.

Again, we found this scholarship decision the hardest one yet. With so many worthy applicants with admirable accomplishments and aspirations, it was extremely difficult to choose just one. But the winner’s application proved to be the finest example of the ideals and goals of hashi.org. While there were many worthy submissions, Hashi.org is proud to award a $1,000 travel scholarship to Jonathan Barley-Alexander! Congratulations!