Wednesday, August 31, 2011 장학금

hashi.org에서는 올해 세 명의 장학생을 선발합니다. 이미 미국인 1명, 일본인 1명이 장학생으로 선발되었으며, 마지막으로 미국이나 일본과의 국제문화교류에 관심있는 한국시민권자에게 주어집니다. 이번 여행장학금은 에세이 심사를 통해 선발되어지고. 신청서에도 언급되었듯이, 특히 장학금 사용목적에 대한 전체적인 설명과 필요성에 기준하여 시상하게 됩니다. 이 장학금은 에서 제공되는 해외프로그램, 즉 홈스테이, 교환학생, 자원봉사, 취업 등에도 사용되어 질 수 있습니다.신청자격요건은:

16세 이상의 한국거주 시민권자로서,

미국이나 일본여행을 통해 hashi.org에서 추진하는 국제문화프로그램참여에 관심있고,

각기 다른 문화체험에 도전/협력할 수 있으며,

여행경비는 포함되어 있지 않습니다.

아래 링크를 클릭하여 신청서를 작성하여 제출하시기 바랍니다.

신청서 접수기간: 2011년 9월 1일 부터 2011년 10월 15일까지

장학금 수여자 발표: 2011년 11월 1일

신청서 양식: Announces American Scholarship Winner! is proud to announce the winner of the 5th annual Travel Scholarship to an American citizen! This year, choosing one winner amongst the many oustanding applicants was far more difficult than in any previous year. And, the number of applications received exceeded previous application periods. We received many outstanding applications, with essays describing a variety of backgrounds. Semi-finalists included International Studies students with aspirations of working in an embassy, a medical student learning to combine Western and Eastern medical practices, and double-major students (International Relations/Asian Studies, International Studies/The Arts, et al).
But our winner is majoring in advertising with a minor in Japanese and Business, who will be studying at Toyo University through the ISEP exchange. He is a musician as well, and writes his own music and is deeply interested in Japanese music, and looks forward to sharing and performing while in Japan. And while there, he'll be joining up with a group to help with the tsunami and earthquake relief effort in the Sendai region.
Again, our judges of the applications found this scholarship decision the hardest one yet. With so many worthy applicants, with admirable accomplishments and aspirations, it was extremely difficult to choose just one. But the winner’s application proved to be the finest example of the ideals and goals of While there were many worthy submissions, is proud to award a $1,000 travel scholarship to Trevor Gradin! Congratulations!