Wednesday, November 4, 2009 Announces Korean Scholarship 2009 Winner

올해로 세번째 대한한국 대학생 대상 여행장학금 수혜자를 발표합니다.

신청서접수기간동안 수 많은 신청서와 함께 다양한 전공과 배경의 에세이들이 접수되었습니다. 올해 최종 선발 후보자들 중으로는 사회복지학 전공 학생분, 현재 일본 교환학생중인 컴퓨터전공 학생분, 러시아와 미국 교환학생 경험이 있는 분, 미국 연방정부에서 인턴활동 및 미국에서 학업예정인 학생분등이었습니다.

올해 장학금 수혜자로 최종 선발된 분은 경북대학교 정치외교학과 4학년 학생입니다. 영어학원에서 학생지도 경험 및 한-중-러 3국 대학생 친선 프로그램에 참여, 미국 연방정부에서 인턴 예정으로 "국제 정치의 미연방정부도입" 논문 계획중입니다.

올해만큼 후보자들 워낙 뛰어나서 심사위원들이 중 최종 수혜자를 선발하는 것이 힘들었던 적이 없었습니다. 고심 끝에 저희 의 이상과 목표를 몸소 실천할 수 있는 최적임자로 판단되어 김은영님으로 장학금 수혜자로 결정하게 되었습니다. 축하드립니다.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ is proud to announce the winner of the 3rd annual Travel Scholarship to a Korean citizen!

The number of applications received exceeded previous application periods, and we received many, fine applications, with essays describing a variety of backgrounds. Semi-finalists included a Social Welfare major, a computer-major exchange student studying in Japan, an exchange student with ties to both Russian and American experiences, and a student who is currently participating in an internship at the US embassy and wants to study in America.

But our winner is in her senior year at University majoring in political science and diplomacy. She has taught children, participated in cultural exchange programs between Korea, China, and Russia, and wants to intern in America and write her thesis on applying ‘American Federal Government’ to international politics.

Our judges of the applications found this scholarship decision one of the hardest one yet. With so many worthy applicants, with admirable accomplishments and aspirations, it was extremely difficult to choose just one. But the winner’s application proved to be the finest example of the ideals and goals of While there were many worthy submissions, is proud to award a $1,000 travel scholarship to Kim Eun Young! Congratulations!

Sunday, October 18, 2009 in Osaka, Japan

In mid-September, I was asked to represent at an international music conference in Osaka, Japan, speaking on a panel, and we had a booth at the trade show there to promote

Walking into the Conference this morning, they made me feel quite welcome, and as I walked through the meet-and-greet room, could here whispers, in Japanese accents, “ that’s Ma-i-kel J Da-u-ney” as if I was some celebrity or something. If they only knew. But I find it extremely easy to reach out my hand and meet many new friends this morning.

Atusko arrives, and we set up the booth, and immediately start spreading the word about - explaining how we seek to further cultural exchange by giving scholarships and guiding people towards these opportunities on our website.

The conference itself was organized extremely well, and I met people from all over the world – Austrailia, New Zealand, England, Cleveland!...and from all over the United States and Japan.

The panel I spoke on started around 3pm, and went over an hour. With about 150 people in attendance, I talk about the personal reasons I come here to play and the ability we all have as musicians to use what we can do in an effort to ‘bridge’ between cultures - that this universal language has the ability to reach out around the world and make friends – between people and between countries.

It was a great opportunity to promote not only to the Japanese, but to people from all over the world.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009 Announces American Scholarship Winner! is proud to announce the winner of the 3rd annual Travel Scholarship to an American citizen! The number of applications received exceeded previous application periods, and we received many, fine applications, with essays describing a variety of backgrounds. Semi-finalists included a professor traveling to Japan to gather materials for upcoming classes, a curator/historian going to So. Korea, a prospective MBA/International Studies applicant, and a student going to Japan to participate in a Global Studies program.

But our winner is a University student who will be participating in a dual-degree program betweeen American University and one in Japan. A truly unique opportunity is available through American University’s School of InternationalService. The American University/RitsumeikanUniversity Dual Undergraduate Degree Program(DUDP) is the only one of its kind between American and Japanese universities. Students spend two years in Washington, DC followed bytwo years in Kyoto, Japan while earning two Bachelor of Arts Degrees.

Our judges of the applications found this scholarship decision the hardest one yet. With so many worthy applicants, with admirable accomplishments and aspirations, it was extremely difficult to choose just one. But the winner’s application proved to be the finest example of the ideals and goals of While there were many worthy submissions, is proud to award a $1,000 travel scholarship to Diana Prilepsky! Congratulations!

Monday, August 31, 2009 장학금

hashi.org에서는 올해 세 명의 장학생을 선발합니다. 이미 미국인 1명, 일본인 1명이 장학생으로 선발되었으며, 마지막으로 미
국이나 일본과의 국제문화교류에 관심있는 한국시민권자에게 주어집니다. 이번 여행장학금은 에세이 심사를 통해 선발되어지고. 신청서에도 언급되었듯이, 특히 장학금 사용목적에 대한 전체적인 설명과 필요성에 기준하여 시상하게 됩니다. 이 장학금은 에서 제공되는 해외프로그램, 즉 홈스테이, 교환학생, 자원봉사, 취업 등에도 사용되어 질 수 있습니다.

16세 이상의 한국거주 시민권자로서,
미국이나 일본여행을 통해 hashi.org에서 추진하는 국제문화프로그램참여에 관심있고,
각기 다른 문화체험에 도전/협력할 수 있으며,
여행경비는 포함되어 있지 않습니다.
아래 링크를 클릭하여 신청서를 작성하여 제출하시기 바랍니다.
신청서 접수기간: 2009년 9월 1일 부터 2009년 10월 15일까지

장학금 수여자 발표: 2009년 11월 1일
신청서 양식:

Sunday, August 16, 2009 In The Newspapers

Local Businessman Funds Cultural Exchange Scholarship

Posted: 08/16/2009 01:30:27 AM PDT

SANTA CRUZ -- When local businessman-musician Michael Downey visited Asia for the first time, he was inspired to bridge the cultural gap that separates America from South Korea and Japan.
Today, Downey hopes to accomplish that goal by funding travel opportunities to Asia for individuals like himself who want to learn first-hand from another culture.
Downey is CEO of, a nonprofit organization founded in 2006 and based in Santa Cruz that promotes cultural exchange opportunities between East Asia and America. He has been accepting scholarship applications for travel and study in either South Korea or Japan.
On Sept. 1, the organization, will announce who gets $1,000 to participate in an overseas program like those offered on -- including, but not limited to, home-stay, work, travel, student exchange or volunteering.
"We are reaching out one person to another, one country to another," said Downey, who funds the program with the help of his local business, Cypress Construction Services Inc.
Since the organization was formed, has awarded 10 scholarships to Americans, Koreans and Japanese, for the purpose of creating a cultural "hashi" -- "bridge" in Japanese -- between the countries.
Inspired to build that bridge in 2005 while touring in Korea and Japan with his band Michael J Downey and the World, Downey created
the organization in the hope of breaking down cultural stigma.
"We hope that this small experience will plant a seed in each participant, so that he or she will be able to understand another culture better and strip through the negative images presented by the media," said Downey.
Previous scholarship recipients include a Japanese graduate student who wanted to study the similarities and differences between Japanese and South Korean architecture and culture, and an American anthropology graduate working on her Ph.D. dissertation in Korea.
The scholarship will be awarded based on the applicant's need and on how well the intended use of the scholarship coincides with the mission of
And according to Downey, there is no better time than the present "to extend the hand of friendship out there in the world."

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

2009 American Scholarships are HERE 2009 Scholarships are here! Each year, awards three $1000 scholarships - one to a Japanese, one to a Korean, and one to an American. The application period for Americans starts today - 07/01/09! The schedule is as follows:July 1st - August 15th - Application period for American scholarship.
September 1st - American scholarship winner announced.
Travel scholarships are offered on a competitive basis. They are awarded on the basis of need and overall intent for usage as expressed in the application essay. The scholarships could be used for a variety of overseas programs, including but not limited to: home stays, student exchange, volunteering, work, etc.
To be eligible to apply, applicants must:
Be 16 years of age or older.
Be interested in participating in the type of international programs that promotes between South Korea, Japan, and America.
Be able to cope with the challenges of adjusting to different cultures.
Be able to fund the remainder of travel costs not covered by thescholarship.
Complete the application form.
Be able to use the scholarship within one year of receiving it.
Agree to allow to use your photograph and selected portions of your bio to encourage others to participate in our scholarship program.
For information and application:

Saturday, June 27, 2009


2009年7月1日 - Hashi.orgは、厳正な審査の結果、第3回の奨学金日本人受賞者の方を決定したことをご報告致します。今年の受賞者の方は、社会人経験のがおありで、アメリカの大学院で公共政策を専門とする修士号を取得することを目的としていらっしゃいます。 学位取得後は日本に戻り、現職である知的財産部でアメリカ、韓国、台湾などとの海外企業との交渉などに携わる仕事に戻ることを計画しておられます。私たちは、彼女の国際社会について学び、それに対して貢献しようとする姿勢に感銘いたしました。 Hashi.orgは、大瀧 清菜さんに10万円の奨学金を御贈りすることを光栄に思います。 おめでとうございました! July 1st, 2009– is proud to announce the winner of the 3rd annual Travel Scholarship to a Japanese person. This year, our winner comes from a background in business, and is coming to the United States to get her Master’s Degree in Public Policy. With her degree, she plans to return to similar work in Japan – in a company's Department of Intellectual Property – working in international negotiations with companies in the US, Korea, Taiwan, etc. We are proud of her efforts to learn more about the international community and become an active participant in it. is proud to award a $1,000 travel scholarship to Seina Otaki! Congratulations!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Now, Tax-deductible Donations

05/09 - We're very happy to announce that due to our being awarded 501c3/tax-exempt status, we are able to offer the opportunity to donate to with your tax-deductible donations. Having self-funded our organization these first 3 years, I look forward to being able to expand our outreach with the additional resources your donations will contribute.
Read more about donations to here:
or go directly to the payment page here:

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Hashi.orgは、毎年、日本、韓国、アメリカ国籍の方各1名を対象に、旅行奨学金(各1000ドル)を実施しています。日本国籍を所有する方で、韓国またはアメリカ合衆国との文化交流に興味を持つ方が対象です。今年度の後ほどには、韓国国籍とアメリカ国籍の方を対象とした奨学金が発表される予定です。 奨学金受給者は選考によって決められます。奨学金の必要性と使用目的が考慮に入れられます。奨学金は、ホームステイや留学、ボランティアなどの様々な目的に支給されます。
支給対象者は以下の条件を満たしていなければなりません。 日本国籍を所有。 16歳以上。未成年の方は保護者の了解を得てください。 Hashi.orgが推奨する韓国またはアメリカ合衆国の国際プログラムに参加する意思のあること。 異文化に対応、調和するチャレンジ精神があり、またその能力があること。 費用が奨学金支給額を超えた場合、自身でその超えた分の費用を負担すること。 募集用紙の必要事項を全て記入すること。 募集期間:2009年5月1日から2009年6月15日まで。 支給対象者は2009年7月1日に発表。 HP:

Sunday, April 19, 2009 Awarded 501c3 Tax-exempt Status

April, 2009 - Last month, was awarded 501c3 tax-exempt status by the IRS. The long, complicated process took 2 years but the advantages make it well worth the effort.
By comparison, filing to create a "non-profit organization" is relatively easy, and there is little oversight by the government. But the true advantages of creating an NPO only come with the 501c3 status. For example:
1. Can accept tax-deductible donations
2. Pays no income tax
My great hope is that not only will it relieve me of being the sole contributor to the scholarships and expenses we incur, but that the donations we receive will enable us to offer more scholarships each year. It breaks my heart to receive so many worthy applications, and have to choose just one during each application period.
Soon, we will put up a donation webpage on our site, and encourage all to give to the cause of reaching out with the hand of friendship in this world.
CLICK HERE to see copy of the award letter.