Sunday, July 2, 2017 Announces 2017 Japanese Scholarship Winner! is proud to announce the winner of the 11th annual Travel Scholarship to a Japanese citizen!
Our winner has grown up in a hard-working, single parent family in Japan. His mother is  working 3 jobs to support them and help with his studies at Temple University, where he is studying International Economics. He wants to contribute on a world-wide level in international law enforcement, and speaks Japanese, English, and Portuguese.
Our judges found this scholarship decision a difficult one, but the winner’s application proved to be the finest example of the ideals and goals of And so, in 2017, is proud to award a $1,000 travel scholarship to Yudai Harashima! Congratulations!

私たちの優勝者は、日本の勤勉な独身親族の家族で成長しました。 彼の母親は3人の就職活動をして、テンプル大学で国際経済学を勉強しています。 彼は国際法執行機関で世界レベルで貢献したいと考えており、日本語、英語、ポルトガル語を話します。
私たちの裁判官は、この奨学金の決定が難しいと判断しましたが、勝者の申請は、hashi.orgの理想と目標の最も良い例であることが判明しました。 そして、2017年、Hashi.orgは勇大原田に1,000ドルの旅行奨学金を授与したことを誇りに思います! おめでとう!


Sara said...

What a touching act and story! Even I don't know Mr Michael J Downey or Yudai in person, I feel like everything and everyone In the planet is all linked, synchronized...

From someone who admires what I can't do or many other people...

Michael J Downey said...

Thank you, Sara. Your encouragement means a lot. We're all just walking each other home...