Tuesday, July 1, 2014

2014 hashi.org American Scholarships Are Here!

07/01/2014- Each year, hashi.org awards three $1000 scholarships - one to a Japanese, one to a Korean, and one to an American. The application period for Americans starts Tuesday - 07/01/2014!

The schedule is as follows:
July 1st - August 15th - Application period for American scholarship.
September 1st - American scholarship winner announced.

Travel scholarships are offered on a competitive basis. They are awarded on the basis of need and overall intent for usage as expressed in the application essay. The scholarships could be used for a variety of overseas programs, including but not limited to: home stays, student exchange, volunteering, work, etc. This year, in addition to the above criteria, special consideration will be given to applicants with an interest in helping with the tsunami/earthquake relief efforts. 

To be eligible to apply, applicants must:

*Be 16 years of age or older.

*Be interested in participating in the type of international programs that hashi.org promotes between South Korea, Japan, and America.

*Be able to cope with the challenges of adjusting to different cultures.

*Be able to fund the remainder of travel costs not covered by thescholarship.

*Complete the application form.

*Be able to use the scholarship within one year of receiving it.

*Agree to allow hashi.org to use your photograph and selected portions of your bio to encourage others to participate in our scholarship program.

For information and application:http://www.hashi.org/scholarshiphp.html

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