Friday, July 5, 2019 Announces 2019 Japanese Scholarship Winner!

7/05/19 – is proud to announce the winner of the 13th annual Travel Scholarship to a Japanese citizen! This year, we have the honor of awarding this scholarship to a woman that completed her degree as an M.D. but has been drawn to the healing power of The Yoga of Voice and Sound, and has been studying with the Vox Mundi Project, led by Grammy-nominated composer, Silvia Nakkach. This summer, she will be coming to California to further her Teacher Training to enable her to share this healing gift with others back home in Japan. In the spirit of the bridge-building efforts of, congratulations to Yuiko Kishi, winner of our $1,000 Scholarship for a Japanese citizen!
 Hashi.orgは、第13回旅行奨学金の受賞者を日本国民に発表できることを誇りに思います。 今年は、この奨学金をMDとしての学位を取得したが、声と音のヨガの癒しの力に惹かれ、Grammyが率いるVox Mundiプロジェクトで勉強している女性に授与されることを光栄に思います 指名された作曲家、シルビア・ナッカック。 今年の夏、彼女はカリフォルニアに来て、この癒しの贈り物を日本にいる他の人たちと共有できるようにするための教師養成をさらに進めます。 hashi.orgの橋渡しの努力の精神の中で、日本国民のための私達の1,000ドルの奨学金の勝者、岸優子さん、おめでとうございます!

Monday, July 1, 2019

2019 American Scholarships Are Here!

07/01/19 -, a nonprofit focusing on education and cultural exchange, is accepting applications for its Study/Travel Scholarship. The deadline is August 15th, 2019. Each year, awards three $1000 scholarships - one to a Japanese, one to a Korean, and one to an American. The second of three $1000 scholarships is being offered in 2018 for an American citizen interested in international cultural exchange opportunities with either South Korea or Japan. Decisions are based on the applicant's essay, which should clearly explain how the scholarship would be used, and how well the applicant’s intentions fit with’s mission statement. The scholarships can be used for a variety of overseas programs such as those offered on -  including, but not limited to: home stays, student exchange, volunteering, work, etc.

For information and application: