Friday, October 27, 2017 Announces 2017 Korean Scholarship 장학금Winner!

10/28/17 – 11 연례 여행 장학금의 수상자를 한국 시민에게 알리는 것을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다. 인간의 정신이 극복 수있는 도전에 대해 말하는 결단력과 생존의 이야기로 우리는 그와 같은 합당한 후보자를 거의 보지 못했습니다. 한국에서 태어났지 우승자의 가족은 3 학교에 입학하여 학교를 시작한 8 후에 고향으로 돌아 왔습니다. 그녀가 고등학교와 대학교에 다닐 무렵에, 그녀의 가족은 호주로 다시 이주했다. 도전적이기는하지만, 국제 경험은 다국어 경력을 시작하기에 넓고 깊이있는 경험을주었습니다. 그런 다음 2015 년에 진단을받으며 길고 용감한 전투와 삶의 재평가를 시작했습니다. 이제는 사면을하면서 일본으로 돌아와 템플 대학에서 공부할 준비를하고 있으며, 학위를 언어 능력 업무 경험과 함께 사용하여 국제적인 관심으로 경력을 재개 계획입니다.
우리 판사는이 장학금 결정이 어려운 것을 알았지 , 우승자의 신청서는 이상과 목표에 대한 가장 훌륭한 사례였습니다.
그리고 2017 Soyeon Park에게 1,000 달러의 장학금을 수여하게 것을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다! 치하! is proud to announce the winner of the 11th annual Travel Scholarship to a Korean citizen. Rarely have we seen such a deserving candidate, with a story of determination and survival that speaks to the challenges that the human spirit is capable of overcoming. Though born in Korea, our winner’s family moved to Japan when she was 3 years old, began her schooling, and then after 8 years returned to their homeland. By the time she was in high school and college, her family had relocated again to Australia. Although challenging, this international experience gave her the breadth and depth of experience to begin a multilingual career. Then, in 2015, she was diagnosed with cancer and began a long and courageous battle and re-evaluation of her life. Now in remission, she’s preparing to return to Japan and study at Temple University, and plans to use this degree along with her language skills and work experience to resume her career with an international focus.

Our judges found this scholarship decision a difficult one, but the winner’s application proved to be the finest example of the ideals and goals of And so, in 2017, is proud to award a $1,000 travel scholarship to Soyeon Park! Congratulations!

Sunday, October 8, 2017 2017 장학금 (Korean Scholarship offered)

09/01/17 2017 장학금 (Korean Scholarship offered)
hashi.org에서는 올해 세 명의 장학생을 선발합니다. 이미 미국인 1, 일본인 1명이 장학생으로 선발되었으며, 마지막으로 미

국이나 일본과의 국제문화교류에 관심있는 한국시민권자에게 주어집니다. 이번 여행장학금은 에세이 심사를 통해 선발되어지고. 신청서에도 언급되었듯이, 특히 장학금 사용목적에 대한 전체적인 설명과 필요성에 기준하여 시상하게 됩니다. 이 장학금은 에서 제공되는 해외프로그램, 즉 홈스테이, 교환학생, 자원봉사, 취업 등에도 사용되어 질 수 있습니다.


16세 이상의 한국거주 시민권자로서,

미국이나 일본여행을 통해 hashi.org에서 추진하는 국제문화프로그램참여에 관심있고,

각기 다른 문화체험에 도전/협력할 수 있으며,

여행경비는 포함되어 있지 않습니다.

아래 링크를 클릭하여 신청서를 작성하여 제출하시기 바랍니다.

신청서 접수기간: 2017 9 1일 부터 2017 10 15일까지

장학금 수여자 발표: 2017 11 1

신청서 양식:

Friday, September 1, 2017 announces 2017 American Scholarship Winner!

9/01/17 – is proud to announce the winner of the 11th annual Travel Scholarship to an American citizen! This year, choosing one winner amongst the many outstanding applicants was one of the most difficult ever. We received dozens of applications with essays describing a variety of ambitious and laudable backgrounds and aspirations. Semi-finalists included:
  • An exemplary student at Waseda University working towards a career as a diplomat in East Asia
  • A Public Health & Political Science student that will be studying in South Korea
  • A student that hopes to help bridge the international communications and art industries
  • An exchange student that plans on being a translator and a voice for diverse cultures
  • And many more
 Clearly, we are deeply gratified with the ambition and accomplishments of our applicants this year and common theme of wanting to reach out to another country. But none more so than this year’s scholarship winner, Phoenix Bartlett.
Her tenacity was evident at a young age, when due to family financial and health-related difficulties, she started working outside the home in her mid-teens while also taking care of her younger siblings. During this time, she maintained a high GPA, and was accepted into a college in Northern California where she earned her AS degree in Business Administration while working 2 jobs, and active in many student extracurricular pursuits.
Her long-held interest in Asia first found expression in a mission trip to Thailand, where she describes witnessing the travesties of human trafficking and inequities in social justice. She’s now chosen Japan because of the excellence she sees within their media/communications and educational opportunities. And having been accepted at Temple University’s Japan Campus, she plans on majoring in International Business and Communications, and subsequently finding her place as a translator or contract negotiator between countries. We find her ambition to work with “people of influence who have the financial and political means to make a worldwide impact” on international relations and issues such as human trafficking to be exemplary of the mission and ideals of
We are proud to award this $1,000 travel scholarship to Phoenix Bartlett! Congratulations and best wishes to all our applicants in their aspirations! 2017 장학금 (Korean Scholarship offered)

09/01/17 2017 장학금 (Korean Scholarship offered)

hashi.org에서는 올해 세 명의 장학생을 선발합니다. 이미 미국인 1, 일본인 1명이 장학생으로 선발되었으며, 마지막으로 미

국이나 일본과의 국제문화교류에 관심있는 한국시민권자에게 주어집니다. 이번 여행장학금은 에세이 심사를 통해 선발되어지고. 신청서에도 언급되었듯이, 특히 장학금 사용목적에 대한 전체적인 설명과 필요성에 기준하여 시상하게 됩니다. 이 장학금은 에서 제공되는 해외프로그램, 즉 홈스테이, 교환학생, 자원봉사, 취업 등에도 사용되어 질 수 있습니다.


16세 이상의 한국거주 시민권자로서,

미국이나 일본여행을 통해 hashi.org에서 추진하는 국제문화프로그램참여에 관심있고,

각기 다른 문화체험에 도전/협력할 수 있으며,

여행경비는 포함되어 있지 않습니다.

아래 링크를 클릭하여 신청서를 작성하여 제출하시기 바랍니다.

신청서 접수기간: 2017 9 1일 부터 2017 10 15일까지

장학금 수여자 발표: 2017 11 1

신청서 양식:

Sunday, July 2, 2017

2017 American Scholarships Are Here!, a nonprofit focusing on education and cultural exchange, is accepting applications for its Study/Travel Scholarship. The deadline is August 15th, 2017. Each year, awards three $1000 scholarships - one to a Japanese, one to a Korean, and one to an American. The second of three $1000 scholarships is being offered in 2017 for an American citizen interested in international cultural exchange opportunities with either South Korea or Japan. Decisions are based on the applicant's essay, which should clearly explain how the scholarship would be used, and how well the applicant’s intentions fit with’s mission statement. The scholarships can be used for a variety of overseas programs such as those offered on -  including, but not limited to: home stays, student exchange, volunteering, work, etc.

For information and application: Announces 2017 Japanese Scholarship Winner! is proud to announce the winner of the 11th annual Travel Scholarship to a Japanese citizen!
Our winner has grown up in a hard-working, single parent family in Japan. His mother is  working 3 jobs to support them and help with his studies at Temple University, where he is studying International Economics. He wants to contribute on a world-wide level in international law enforcement, and speaks Japanese, English, and Portuguese.
Our judges found this scholarship decision a difficult one, but the winner’s application proved to be the finest example of the ideals and goals of And so, in 2017, is proud to award a $1,000 travel scholarship to Yudai Harashima! Congratulations!

私たちの優勝者は、日本の勤勉な独身親族の家族で成長しました。 彼の母親は3人の就職活動をして、テンプル大学で国際経済学を勉強しています。 彼は国際法執行機関で世界レベルで貢献したいと考えており、日本語、英語、ポルトガル語を話します。
私たちの裁判官は、この奨学金の決定が難しいと判断しましたが、勝者の申請は、hashi.orgの理想と目標の最も良い例であることが判明しました。 そして、2017年、Hashi.orgは勇大原田に1,000ドルの旅行奨学金を授与したことを誇りに思います! おめでとう!

Monday, May 1, 2017カリフォルニア州のNPO)奨学金のお知らせカリフォルニア州のNPO)奨学金のお知らせ ( )は、カリフォルニア州のNPOです。アメリカと東南アジア間の 文 化 交流の 促進を目的として設立されました。その一環として、毎年、旅行奨学金(1,000ドル)を実施しています。
応募期間は2017年5月1日から2017年6月15日まで、受給者の発表は2017年7月1日です。申し込みに関する詳細は、  をご覧ください。

1500 41st Ave Suite 290
Capitola, CA 95010, USA