Sunday, October 30, 2016 Announces Korean Scholarship Winner!

올해로 대한한국 대학생 대상 여행장학금 수혜자를 발표합니다. is proud to announce the winner of the 10th annual Travel Scholarship to a Korean citizen!

Our winner has grown up in a hard-working family in Korea, in a multi-cultural environment (Korean, Japanese, and American) and is currently attending an International school there, and has never been to the United States. With plans on attending University, her hard work and efforts to be independent led her to apply for the scholarship.

Our judges found this scholarship decision a gratifying one, and the winner’s application proved to be the finest example of the ideals and goals of And so, in 2016, is proud to award a $1,000 travel scholarship to Gaeun Kang! Congratulations!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016 2016 장학금 (Korean Scholarship offered)

08/31/16 2016 장학금 (Korean Scholarship offered)
hashi.org에서는 올해 세 명의 장학생을 선발합니다. 이미 미국인 1, 일본인 1명이 장학생으로 선발되었으며, 마지막으로 미

국이나 일본과의 국제문화교류에 관심있는 한국시민권자에게 주어집니다. 이번 여행장학금은 에세이 심사를 통해 선발되어지고. 신청서에도 언급되었듯이, 특히 장학금 사용목적에 대한 전체적인 설명과 필요성에 기준하여 시상하게 됩니다. 이 장학금은 에서 제공되는 해외프로그램, 즉 홈스테이, 교환학생, 자원봉사, 취업 등에도 사용되어 질 수 있습니다.


16세 이상의 한국거주 시민권자로서,

미국이나 일본여행을 통해 hashi.org에서 추진하는 국제문화프로그램참여에 관심있고,

각기 다른 문화체험에 도전/협력할 수 있으며,

여행경비는 포함되어 있지 않습니다.

아래 링크를 클릭하여 신청서를 작성하여 제출하시기 바랍니다.

신청서 접수기간: 2016 9 1일 부터 2016 10 15일까지

장학금 수여자 발표: 2016 11 1

Saturday, August 27, 2016 Announces American Scholarship Winner!

8/27/16 – is proud to announce the winner of the 10th annual Travel Scholarship to an American citizen! This year, choosing one winner amongst the many outstanding applicants was very difficult. We received applications with essays describing a variety of backgrounds and aspirations. Semi-finalists included:

  • An exchange student in Japan working with AIESEC (world’s largest student placement program)
  • An aspiring exchange student that will be attending Sogang University in So. Korea
  • An exchange student at Waseda University in Japan hoping to pursue a career in translation and localization

As you can see, we are gratified with the ambition and accomplishments of our applicants this year, but none more so than this year’s scholarship winner, Jeranda Dennis.

This will be Jeranda’s first experience outside the country, and she will be the first college student in her family. She has been accepted at Kwansei Gakuin University, near Osaka, Japan, and will be a part of the School of International Studies program studying courses such as, Japanese Language, Comparative Cultural Studies, Minorities in Japanese Society, etc.

She hopes to use her experience and education in the bridging of misunderstanding between different cultures, at home, and abroad. While there, Jeranda aspires to work as an English teacher, and on her return, share her experience to inspire others to consider higher education and international studies as a way to broaden individual horizons and build those cultural bridges. is proud to award this $1,000 travel scholarship to Jeranda Dennis! Congratulations!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

2016 American Scholarships Are Here!

07/01/2016- Each year, awards three $1000 scholarships - one to a Japanese, one to a Korean, and one to an American. The application period for Americans starts Friday - 07/01/2016!

The schedule is as follows:
July 1st - August 15th - Application period for American scholarship.
September 1st - American scholarship winner announced.

Travel scholarships are offered on a competitive basis. They are awarded on the basis of need and overall intent for usage as expressed in the application essay. The scholarships could be used for a variety of overseas programs, including but not limited to: home stays, student exchange, volunteering, work, etc.
To be eligible to apply, applicants must:

*Be 16 years of age or older.

*Be interested in participating in the type of international programs that promotes between South Korea, Japan, and America.

*Be able to cope with the challenges of adjusting to different cultures.

*Be able to fund the remainder of travel costs not covered by thescholarship.

*Complete the application form.

*Be able to use the scholarship within one year of receiving it.

*Agree to allow to use your photograph and selected portions of your bio to encourage others to participate in our scholarship program.

For information and application:

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Legacy of Cultural Exchange: Japan and U.S in the 1960s

Although much of the history of the collection has been lost over the years, it is thought to have been created as part of a cultural exchange organized by one or more local schools in both San José and Okayama, perhaps in celebration of an early anniversary of San José’s sister city friendship with Okayama.

While the history, and mystery, of the origins of the collection are compelling, it is the artwork itself that is utterly beguiling. Like a time capsule, these young artists have captured a moment in history, given us a glimpse of life in Japan in the early 1960s. Ranging in age from five to fifteen, they have left us with a deeply personal and richly expressive view of the world from a child’s perspective — what they find fascinating, frightening, perplexing, and familiar.
CLICK HERE for blog and photos.

Saturday, April 30, 2016カリフォルニア州のNPO)奨学金のお知らせ

カリフォルニアNPO 旅行奨学金、応募受付始まる ( )は、カリフォルニア州のNPOです。アメリカと東南アジア間の 文 化 交流の 促進を目的として設立されました。その一環として、毎年、旅行奨学金(1,000ドル)を実施しています。
応募期間は2016年5月1日から2016年6月15日まで、受給者の発表は2016年7月1日です。申し込みに関する詳細は、  をご覧ください。

1500 41st Ave Suite 290
Capitola, CA 95010, USA

Saturday, January 9, 2016 - Full Speed Ahead in 2016!

01/09/16  - It’s hard to believe that it’s now been 10 years since was founded. And now, more than ever, dedicated to promoting cultural exchange opportunities between East Asia and America.

Each year, awards three $1,000 scholarships – one to a Japanese, one to a Korean, and one to an American. We are grateful to now have been able to award 23 deserving recipients with these scholarships. They have been used for a variety of overseas programs, including home stays, student exchange, volunteering, work, etc.

Additionally, our website maintains a tri-lingual, searchable database of many of these cultural exchange opportunities in the U.S., Japan, and Korea.

We’re living in a time where there is continued widespread volatility in our world. And strives to be one, small ‘bridge’ towards connectedness and peace. We invite you to explore this bridge with us – as a scholarship applicant, a traveler looking for a deeper experience in these countries, or with your tax-deductable donations towards our scholarships.

All the best in 2016,
