Our 2008 Japanese Scholarship winner - Kaumasa Honda - has just returned to Japan after his trip to America. He went with a group from his college for a 2-week intensive language workshop in New York, and was able to make inroads here that he will use in his upcoming studies. We were gratified to receive this letter from him recently.
Dear Hashi,org;
I hope is everything well with you.
I appreciate your support for 2008 Hofstra University Summer ESL Program by Tokyo Future University. It was my first trip abroad and I was a little nervous when I left Japan. The kind support and help enabled me to complete the two-week stay in America without any problems.
I have gained lots of knowledge and experience, which would have been unobtainable in Japan.
I will certainly apply what I have learned in America when I go to abroad again in the future, as well as put it to good use in my daily life.
I greatly appreciate the invaluable experience.
Sincerely, Kazumasa Honda
I hope is everything well with you.
I appreciate your support for 2008 Hofstra University Summer ESL Program by Tokyo Future University. It was my first trip abroad and I was a little nervous when I left Japan. The kind support and help enabled me to complete the two-week stay in America without any problems.
I have gained lots of knowledge and experience, which would have been unobtainable in Japan.
I will certainly apply what I have learned in America when I go to abroad again in the future, as well as put it to good use in my daily life.
I greatly appreciate the invaluable experience.
Sincerely, Kazumasa Honda
皆さまにおかれましては、お変わりなくお過ごしのことと拝察致します。 この度、東京未来大学短期語学留学では、大変お世話になり、誠にありがとうございました。 初めての海外ということもあり、些か緊張して日本を発ったのですが、皆さまの温かい御支援と御協力により、無事に二週間の海外生活を終えることができました。 この留学において日本では学ぶことのできない沢山の知識と経験を得ることができたと思います。この経験を将来海外で生活をする際に活かすのはもちろんのことですが、日本の日々の生活にも活かしていきたいと思います。貴重な経験ができたこと、誠に感謝しております。まずは御礼まで。